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Minerals FAQ's

What are minerals?

Minerals are inorganic elements that are essential for the body to function properly. They play key roles in various bodily processes including bone formation, heart health, and energy production.

What is a mineral's role in the body?

Minerals are crucial for many physiological processes, such as building strong bones and teeth, maintaining healthy blood pressure, regulating metabolism, and ensuring proper muscle function.

What are the most important minerals for health?

Some of the most important minerals for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and iron, each contributing to vital functions like nerve signalling, muscle contraction, and oxygen transport.

What foods are rich in minerals?

Foods rich in minerals include leafy green vegetables (for calcium and magnesium), fruits like bananas (potassium), dairy products (calcium), nuts and seeds (magnesium, potassium), and meat (iron, zinc).

How many minerals does the body need?

The body needs at least 16 different minerals to function properly. These are divided into macro-minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) and trace minerals (such as iron and zinc).

What mineral is essential for healthy bones and teeth?

Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is also supported by minerals like phosphorus and magnesium.

What is the difference between vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed in small quantities for various bodily functions, while minerals are inorganic and maintain structural and regulatory roles in the body.

What mineral is needed to make haemoglobin?

Iron is the mineral essential for the production of haemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body's tissues.

Are minerals in food sufficient for our needs?

For most people, a balanced diet provides all the minerals needed. However, certain conditions or lifestyles may require supplementation.

What are the benefits of trace minerals?

Trace minerals, including iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium, are needed in smaller amounts but are crucial for health, supporting functions like thyroid hormone production, oxygen transport, and protection against oxidative damage.

Vital Building Blocks

Our selection is designed to support your health and enrich your life's tapestry with the vital building blocks it needs. Dive into our assortment of high-quality mineral supplements, where every product is a stepping stone towards achieving harmony and optimal health. Whether you seek to fortify your daily diet with magnesium for muscle function, zinc for immune support, or iron for energy vitality, you will find a mineral here to meet your needs. Let our collection be your guide to a well-nourished and vibrant life.

Minerals: The Unsung Heroes

In the quest for optimal health, minerals are the unsung heroes, quietly laying the foundation for a strong, vibrant body. These naturally occurring substances are as crucial as they are overlooked, each playing a vital role in our wellbeing. This post delves into the fascinating world of minerals, exploring their functions, importance, and how we can ensure we're getting enough of these pivotal nutrients.

The Indispensable Mineral Kingdom

Minerals are inorganic compounds found in the earth's crust, which make their way into our diet through plants, animals, and water. They are critical for a plethora of bodily functions, acting as the catalysts for many biological reactions. Without them, our bodies would be unable to perform the basics: growing, healing, and even generating energy.

Macro vs. Trace: A Delicate Balance

Minerals are broadly categorised into two groups: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, are needed in larger amounts and are integral for bone health, muscle function, and fluid balance. Trace minerals, including iron, zinc, and selenium, are required in smaller doses but are no less important, supporting everything from oxygen transport to immune defence.

The Architect of Bones: Calcium

Calcium stands out as the most abundant mineral in the human body. It's the cornerstone of bone health, essential for maintaining strength and structure. But its role extends beyond just our skeletons – calcium is also vital for blood clotting, nerve signalling, and muscle contraction.

The Energiser: Magnesium

Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, is a key player in over 300 enzymatic reactions. It's the spark plug of our energy production, assists with muscle and nerve function, and is a supporter of the immune system. Despite its importance, many diets are deficient in magnesium, leading to a range of health issues.

Electrolyte Excellence: Potassium and Sodium

Potassium and sodium work hand in hand as electrolytes, helping to conduct electrical charges in the body. They are pivotal in maintaining fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. A delicate balance between the two is essential, as too much sodium can lead to hypertension, while inadequate potassium can cause weakness and heart irregularities.

The Oxygen Carrier: Iron

Iron's claim to fame is its role in haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies worldwide, leading to anaemia and resulting in fatigue and weakened immunity.

The Immune Booster: Zinc

Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in the body and is critical for a healthy immune system. It also aids in wound healing, DNA synthesis, and growth during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood.

The Defender: Selenium

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage by combating free radicals. It also plays a role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and thyroid function.

Ensuring Adequate Mineral Intake

The ideal way to get your minerals is through a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. However, modern agriculture and processed foods can sometimes leave us lacking these essential nutrients. This is where supplements can play a supporting role, filling in the gaps to ensure we're not running on empty.

The Perils of Excess and Deficiency

Just as a deficiency in minerals can lead to health problems, so can an excess. For instance, too much calcium can result in kidney stones, while an overdose of iron can cause gastrointestinal distress and even liver damage. It's crucial to strike the right balance, which is unique to each individual based on factors like age, sex, and health status.

Minerals and Modern Health

Today, there's a growing interest in the role of trace minerals in preventing and managing chronic diseases. Research is exploring the links between minerals like chromium, which is thought to help regulate blood sugar levels, and vanadium, which has been studied for its potential to support heart health.

Minerals may be micro in size, but their impact on our health is anything but. By providing the tools our bodies need to function at their best, minerals give us the strength and vitality to live life to the fullest. Ensuring we get enough of these essential nutrients is a foundational aspect of good health. Whether through diet or supplementation, a little attention to these mighty micros can lead to big benefits for our overall well-being.

Collection: Minerals