Collection: Allergies

Our collection is expertly curated to cater to those with sensitivities. Prioritising natural ingredients and rigorous testing, each product is designed to offer relief and support without compromising on quality. Whether it's a hay fever solution or an essential oil to manage symptoms, we ensure that those with allergies can find safe and effective products.

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7 products



Man with a cold using tissues, Lily & Loaf's natural remedies support quick recovery.

How can I identify a food allergy?

Signs of a food allergy can include immediate symptoms such as hives, swelling, gastrointestinal distress, or respiratory issues after consuming the allergen. A doctor can confirm with tests.

What is an allergic reaction?

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system overreacts to an allergen, releasing chemicals like histamine that cause symptoms.

Are food intolerances the same as allergies?

Food intolerances involve difficulty digesting certain foods and do not involve the immune system, while allergies are immune responses that can be life-threatening.

Can allergies be cured?

There's no absolute cure, but treatments like immunotherapy can help reduce sensitivity, and avoidance of known allergens can prevent symptoms.

Is it possible to outgrow allergies?

Children may outgrow allergies, particularly to milk and eggs, as their immune system matures, but some allergies, like those to nuts and shellfish, tend to be lifelong.

What triggers allergic reactions?

Triggers vary widely but include food, insect stings, medications, pollen, pet dander, and mold. Avoidance and medical treatments can help manage them.

Can stress cause allergies?

Stress can exacerbate allergic reactions by stimulating the release of histamines, which can intensify symptoms like itching and hives.

What is the most common allergy?

Pollen, dust mites, and pet hair top the list of common allergens, leading to seasonal or perennial allergic symptoms.

How to differentiate between cold and allergy symptoms?

Cold symptoms, caused by viruses, can include body aches and fever, and usually resolve in a week. Allergies persist as long as exposure to the allergen continues and typically don't cause fever.

How long do allergy symptoms last?

Symptoms last as long as the exposure to the allergen and can be seasonal, like in the case of pollen, or year-round, as with pet hair.

Find relief with Lily & Loaf's natural remedies, woman with allergies using a tissue outdoors.

Allergies affect millions worldwide, presenting a spectrum of symptoms from the mild inconvenience of seasonal sniffles to potentially life-threatening reactions. With the prevalence of allergies on the rise, it's crucial to arm yourself with knowledge to navigate this common health concern.

• The Science of Allergies

Allergies are your body's misguided defence against perceived threats. Substances like pollen, pet hair, or certain foods trigger an immune response, releasing histamines that cause allergy symptoms. Recognising the signs early and understanding the culprits behind these reactions are the first steps toward managing your allergies effectively.

• Common Allergens and Symptoms

Common allergens include pollen, dust, mould, certain foods, insect stings, and medications. Symptoms range from sneezing, itching, and runny nose to more severe conditions like asthma or anaphylaxis. Understanding which allergens affect you can help you avoid triggers and prepare for seasonal changes that might exacerbate your symptoms.

• Diagnosis and Treatment

Professional diagnosis is key. Through skin prick tests, blood tests, and elimination diets, healthcare providers can identify specific allergies. Treatment options vary, including over-the-counter antihistamines, prescription medications, lifestyle adjustments, and in some cases, immunotherapy.

• Living with Allergies

Living with allergies means making informed lifestyle choices. It involves adjusting your environment—like using air purifiers, choosing hypoallergenic products, and keeping your living space clean and dust-free. When it comes to food allergies, vigilant label reading and clear communication at restaurants become part of your routine.

• Dietary Considerations

A balanced diet can bolster your immune system. Certain foods have natural antihistamine properties, while others may exacerbate allergies. Working with a nutritionist can help you tailor a diet that supports your health and mitigates allergic reactions.

• The Impact of Seasonal Changes

Seasonal allergies, often referred to as hay fever, can significantly impact your daily life. Pollen counts soar during specific times of the year, particularly spring and autumn, leading to increased symptoms for many. Keeping track of pollen forecasts and minimising outdoor activities during peak times can help manage these seasonal afflictions.

• Preventive Measures

Taking proactive steps can minimise the impact of allergies. This includes using HEPA filters in your home, washing bedding regularly in hot water, and staying indoors on high pollen days. Pre-emptive use of medications before the start of allergy season can also be beneficial.

• Technological Advances in Allergy Management

Technology has brought new solutions to allergy sufferers. Apps that track pollen counts and air quality can help you avoid high-risk environments. Online communities offer support and share practical tips for managing day-to-day challenges.

• Allergies in Children

Children are particularly susceptible to allergies, but they can often outgrow them. Early detection and intervention can improve their quality of life and prevent more serious complications. Parents and caregivers must be vigilant and proactive in managing children's allergies, including creating safe environments and educating them about their conditions.

Allergies are a part of modern life, but with the right strategies, they can be managed effectively. Understanding your allergies, avoiding triggers, and following a personalised treatment plan can lead to a life less hindered by allergic reactions. Staying informed, prepared, and proactive is the key to living comfortably with allergies.

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  • Our Manufacturing Standards

    All our products are manufactured to the highest ethical and sustainability standards, using premium natural ingredients that are free from many common allergens. We embrace a natural, holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

  • The Very Best Nature has to Offer

    Our products are designed to ensure that your body gets the very best that nature has to offer, to help you fully reap the benefits of a happy, healthy lifestyle and help you look your best all day, every day.