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Shop for Pregnancy

Preparation is Key

Timing is one thing, your body’s condition and its hormonal balance is another and further still, your overall health and lifestyle can also determine your likelihood of conceiving. So, if you are thinking of getting pregnant and want to boost your chances of success, preparation is key. In an ideal world, you should be focusing on your health about three months before you start trying.

If you’re able, a pre-conception check-up with your doctor will help you identify any underlying problems. Assuming everything is OK and there are no complications, then eating well, getting lots of gentle exercise and avoiding things like alcohol, smoking and processed food will stand you in good stead for when you are ready to start trying. Your diet is key. A well-balanced diet is important to ensure you get the required amount of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and folic acid you need every day for a healthy pregnancy.

Eating lean proteins and plenty of fruit and veg, along with unsaturated fats, is a good place to start, but if you’re concerned your diet alone might not be giving you the nutrients you need, Lily & Loaf can help. Our natural, nutritional adult supplements can provide a perfect way of complementing your diet to aid your efforts to conceive and support a healthy pregnancy. Folic Acid is particularly important in promoting good pre-natal health and we can help ensure you get the right amount of nutritional support.

We also offer a wide range of Lily & Loaf organic essential oils, which use the complex aromatic and health-boosting properties from some of the finest botanicals to help you relax, de-stress and enjoy your pregnancy the natural way.

Collection: Pregnancy