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Calming essential oils to help you relax

08 Apr, 2024
Middle age lady relaxing after a long day

We’ve all heard of essential oils, but what are they exactly, and how do they help you relax and unwind? 

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years, dating back as early as 3500BC in Egypt, China and India.

They have been used as a traditional remedy to soothe the symptoms of a wide range of ailments and are said to have potent anti-inflammatory and healing properties.  There are many plants, herbs, spices and botanicals that are known for their therapeutic properties. Our diet is full of them and gives us all the essential nutrients we need to stay healthy.

Apart from eating them, other benefits can be derived from these naturally occurring food sources. The essential oils produced by these plants have amazing, health-enhancing properties. They can help ward off pain, aid muscle and joint recovery after exercise or injury, improve your hair, skin, teeth and nails and boost your circulation. They can also stimulate your nervous system and trigger a hormonal response that can help you achieve a better emotional balance.

Their aromas positively affect our nervous system and overall wellbeing, helping to alleviate feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression, uplifting our emotions and spirits to enhance mood, and gently relaxing our mind and body to allow us to relax, sleep well, and feel revived. Using distillation, essential oils are aromatic substances created from plants, flowers and fruits. As well as being used as scents in candles, many essential oils have numerous health benefits, including stress relief.


A collection of essential oil bottles with droppers, demonstrating how to use essential oils.


The two main ways to use essential oils are through inhalation or absorption through the skin. Essential oils are extremely pure, concentrated oil, many of which are toxic and should not be ingested. You can add a few drops of essential oils to fabrics and soft furnishings, massage the oils into your skin, and mix them with bath salts or lotions.
When inhaled, the molecules in the oils activate the olfactory receptors in the nose, where nerves then send signals to the brain’s limbic system, awakening the mind and body, triggering emotions, and evoking memories of a time place or event from the past.

Physically, the limbic system controls physiological functions like heart rate and blood pressure, which can help our body feel relaxed. Most manufacturers recommend diluting essential oils with a carrier oil and for users to do a patch test before applying the oils to their skin correctly in case an allergic reaction occurs.


Aromatic lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang flowers displayed in bottles, illustrating essential oils for relaxation and wellness.

Best essential oils to relieve anxiety & stress

Aromatherapy Essential Oils can have a deeply relaxing, soothing effect on our mind, body and spirit, whether used in a diffuser to create a relaxing atmosphere, in a luxurious bathing experience, or in a calming, de-stressing massage.

Here are some of our top picks to help you relax, de-stress and unwind: 

Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil is steam distilled from the lavender plant. The floral scent of lavender can uplift the mind whilst relaxing the body, making it ideal for balance and creating a calming effect. In aromatherapy, it is often used to combat depression, stress, and fatigue.

Bergamot Essential Oil
With its fresh, sweet smell, Bergamot essential oil is relaxing, uplifting, mood-enhancing, good for building confidence and calming negative emotions. This essential oil is excellent for creating a relaxed and happy feeling and has a history of being used for oily skin.

Clary Sage Essential Oil
Clary sage has been an important and valuable oil natural medicine and in aromatherapy. The most significant benefit is its calming influence on the nerves and is particularly useful for female conditions and symptoms associated with menopause.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
In aromatherapy ylang ylang essential oil is considered one of the best for relaxing the mind and the body. Simply inhaling the aroma is said to help reduce blood pressure, and massage the oil naturally enhances relaxation, gently relieving stress and anxiety. Emotionally and spiritually, ylang ylang essential oil helps to connect to the inner self to heal emotional trauma.

Whether you use essential oils through massage, bathing, steam inhalation, or diffusers, the health benefits are significant. It’s estimated that 43% of people suffering from anxiety and stress use some form of alternative therapy to combat their symptoms and have seen reduced anxiety over time, so essential oils and aromatherapy are a good bet to help you stay calm.
At Lily & Loaf, we’ve made it our mission to create the finest range of natural aromatherapy products to complement your healthy lifestyle and boost your overall wellbeing. Our pure essential oils are created to the highest standards to ensure you enjoy their full benefits. They are free from artificial enhancements to their complex aromatic and therapeutic properties. They can be used as a complementary therapy to soothe and treat a wide range of minor ailments, from aches and pains to stress and anxiety, sleep and circulation problems. They are also a great way of creating familiar, pleasant-smelling atmospheres which evoke strong and happy memories to make your home a friendly and welcoming place.

If you’re looking to relax and unwind, essential oils are the perfect place to start.

Check out this link to our collection to find out more:

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