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Top five signs your pet is healthy

11 Jun, 2024

Pets – whatever species, breed, age or size – become an instant part of the family and bring joy to everyone.

As a pet owner, you have a huge responsibility to ensure your pets stay happy and healthy and live an enriched life.

Good nutrition, on a daily basis, will help your pets to maintain their natural vitality.
However, while normal pet foods provide their energy, can you be sure your pets are getting all the important nutrients they need?
Read on to find out how to tell whether your pet is happy and healthy and what you can do to ensure they are getting the maximum benefit from their diet.



Like most animal owners, you most likely know your pet better than anyone.
You’ll know when it’s happy and healthy by the way it acts around the people it loves. If it’s full of natural energy and bounce, you can rest assured you are doing a good job and providing it with all the love, attention and stimulation it needs.
However, when your pet is out of sorts, isn’t feeling itself or just seems off, it can be hugely concerning. Knowing what to do to fix things can bring peace of mind and reassurance.
So, here are the top five things you should look for when it comes to your pet’s health, as they all indicate a happy, healthy pet..

Your pet should stay at a consistent lean weight, as excessive weight causes the same issues in pets as it does in humans. Portion controlled meals and regular exercise will help maintain a pet’s weight.
Engaged & interacting
Healthy pets, especially dogs, love spending time with the rest of the family and friends, whether it’s playing a game of fetch or getting endless belly rubs! You’ll soon know something isn’t quite right if their behaviour drastically changes. If it does, contact your vet.
Hair & coat
Healthy pets typically have shiny, clean hair and coats due to natural oils and shedding. If your pet is often licking or scratching, it could be a sign of skin irritation or skin allergies.
Regular bowel movements
It’s fairly easy with cats and dogs to see when something is wrong because you clean up after them, whether that’s in the park or from a litter box. Healthy bowel movements will be absent of things such as blood, mucus, worms and eggs.
Fresh breath
Clean-smelling breath and teeth free of tartar are signs of good health in a pet. Routine dental care can improve the overall health of your pets, especially when spotting early warning signs.



The signs above are all indicators of good pet health, and provided your pet is displaying all of these, you should have nothing to worry about. However, if any of the following start to occur, it’s worth getting your pet checked out by a vet to make sure there are no severe problems with its health…

Changes in weight
Unexplained weight loss or weight gain may indicate that your pet is experiencing health issues. When it comes to cats and dogs, discussing a meal plan with your vet will help to maintain their weight. That way, when you do notice changes, you’ll know it’s not from over or under-feeding them and that you need to get them checked.
Changes in personality
If your pet is unwell or in pain, you’ll soon realise. You may notice a decrease in their energy levels, or, in dogs, they may become less social and begin to withdraw from people. Pay attention if your pet becomes aggressive or snappy when you get close to a particular area, this may be the source of their discomfort.
Loss of appetite
As with any family member, you will notice when your pet no longer has an interest in food or drink. The only difference is, your pet can’t tell you what’s wrong. If your pet suddenly has a loss of appetite and just moves food around the bowl without finishing it, it may be time to visit the vet. Similarly, drinking excessive amounts of water can also indicate that your pet has a fever or kidney issues. 



As with any living creature, there are straightforward and easy steps to follow, like exercising regularly, eating well, and taking care of the mind and body. Regular exercise, healthy meal portions, keeping on top of grooming and going for regular check-ups at the vet will all aid in keeping your pet happy, healthy and living life to the full.
Several pet supplements will help you ensure your furry friends get all the essential daily vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need to lead healthy lives. In combination with a good diet and lots of exercise, they can help reduce your pets’ anxiety and keep them calm, promote good digestive and immune system function, and maintain healthy skin, coats, teeth, eyes, and joints.
Lily & Loaf offers a variety of pet supplements that have been created with great-tasting, individual formulations that pets will love.
They target several pet-related health concerns. From anxiety and immunity to natural support for healthy joints, skin and coats, along with supplementing their intake of daily vitamins and minerals, our products are designed to give your pets everything they need to live happy, fulfilling lives by your side.



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