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Natural ways to help your body heal

20 Jul, 2024
A person stood looking at a mountain range with their arms outstretched in joy

The human body is an amazing thing.

It’s home to between 30-40 trillion living cells that work together to support your vital organs, ward off infection and disease and keep your body healthy and strong.

However, sometimes these cells can get damaged or destroyed, often in large quantities, because of injury, surgery, illness or the things we consume that aren’t good for us.

When this happens, your body’s natural response kicks in to restore balance, repair the damage and keep your key body systems functioning as they should. So, if you’re recovering from illness or injury and looking for natural ways to support your body as it heals itself, you’re in the right place.

A person eating breakfast looking at a meal plan

How The Body Heals Itself

The bodies of most average, healthy adults – and children, too – have remarkable powers of self-healing. For example, provided the damage isn’t too bad, your liver can regenerate itself, your intestines can repair their lining, broken bones can heal and grow stronger, and your lungs can repair themselves after you stop smoking. When it comes to healing, several of your body’s key systems work together to make it possible. Your immune system controls your body’s response to illness and infection, protecting you from outside invaders like bacteria, viruses and toxins. Your endocrine (glandular) and nervous systems work together to regulate all your body’s processes, including growth, metabolism, digestion, elimination, menstruation and sleep.
The glandular system communicates with your nerve receptors via hormonal messengers which stimulate reactions and responses to a range of health issues. And your circulatory, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems work together to process nutrients from the things you consume and flush all the waste products and toxins out of your body before they get the chance to do any lasting damage. When any of your key body systems stop functioning correctly, it can throw off your natural balance,  leading to a host of health complications, from minor issues to chronic, long-term illnesses or conditions. So, supporting your key body systems with good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices is vital.

A representation of health lifestyle choices such as meditation, food, exercise and hydration

How To Help Your Body Heal Naturally

When it comes to helping your body heal naturally, your diet and lifestyle play a key role. Here are some of the things you can do to give yourself the best chance of recovering naturally from injury, illness or surgery:

Get plenty of rest

Arguably the single most important thing you can do when recovering is to get enough rest to give your body the chance to heal properly. This means taking it easy throughout the day and not over-exerting yourself, not putting unnecessary strain on any wounds, sprains or broken bones, and getting enough sleep. Sleep is particularly important, as it’s when your body shuts down into a resting state to give all your key body functions the chance to do their work, regenerate your cells, repair damaged tissues and generally reset your mind and body ready for the day ahead. If you’re only suffering from a minor ailment, like a cold, flu or other bug, a good night’s sleep can be just what the doctor ordered.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help speed up your body’s natural healing processes, and make you feel less tired, sluggish and generally out of sorts. Water helps your body deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells that need repairing, as well as protecting your vital organs and tissues. So, make sure your drink around two litres of water every day to maintain optimal hydration.

Eat healthily

‘You are what you eat’, as the saying goes. When it comes to recovery from illness, this famous phrase rings true. In order to function properly, your body needs a full range of natural nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats, to survive.

So, eating the right kind of foods will help you heal quicker and feel better. It goes without saying that lean protein, complex carbohydrates and a variety of fresh fruit and veg are the cornerstone of any healthy diet, but when your body is recovering, these are even more vital. If you’re looking to heal naturally, you should also focus on cutting out some of the things that maybe aren’t as healthy. Over-processed food, trans fats, ready meals and takeaways all contain artificial additives and ingredients which can slow the body’s natural healing processes, so keep these to a minimum if you can. It might also be wise to cut back on guilty pleasures like caffeine, alcohol and smoking, at least until you’re feeling better. And if you’re worried you might not be getting all the right nutrients from your diet alone, natural supplements can help top up any shortfall. 

Stay positive

Staying calm, relaxed and stress-free will give your body the best chance of recovering quickly and naturally. If you’re anxious, angry or worried, these can all place additional strain on your key body systems and prevent them from working effectively to help you heal. So, try to relax and be good to yourself. Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help clear your head of negative thoughts, so you can focus on getting better. So, too, can yoga, provided you’re not suffering from a physical injury which prevents you from doing it. Lighting a soy wax candle, running a nice hot bath or having a relaxing massage with a few drops of your favourite, calming essential oil can all help enhance a positive mood.

Get some exercise

If you’re recovering from illness and looking to rebuild your physical fitness, then exercise is the way to go. It will get your heart pumping, your blood circulating and help get rid of any lingering toxins faster to restore your overall wellbeing. However, if you’re recovering from surgery, injury, or a serious condition like heart disease, you should always follow your doctor’s orders, don’t over-do things and gradually work your way up to a level of activity you feel comfortable with to ensure you don’t make things worse and set back your recovery. 

Information and other content provided in Lily & Loaf blogs should not be construed as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult with your health care provider.