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How to create the best version of yourself in 2022

13 Dec, 2021
Image depicting a fresh start in 2022 with motivational text

With such a change in all our lives over the past two years, what do you plan on doing with your 2022?

For many of us, priorities have shifted, and we’ve all become more sentimental and thankful for the smaller things in life.

Going into the New Year 2022, we’ll all have more opportunities to further ourselves, whether it’s through work or personal life… but how can you get the ball rolling to ensure you have your best year yet in achieving your goals?


Personal development and growth can come in many different forms including physical, mental and emotional growth - it all depends on your goals and values as an individual. If your aim for the New Year is to become a healthier, fitter version of yourself, there are several lifestyle changes you can start implementing now.

Get into a routine
One of the hardest things to do when starting your fitness journey is maintaining it at a good, consistent level. Setting reminders and mini-goals for yourself will help you stick to a good routine.
Don’t compare
You may have friends and family who are also getting more into physical fitness and although a bit of friendly competition is harmless and sometimes quite motivating, try not to get too fixated on others’ successes and focus on your own milestones and goals.
Eat the right portion sizes for your body
We’re all guilty of adding an extra scoop or two to our dinner plate when we’re feeling extra hungry. Although it's important to listen to your body, try to stick to the same portion sizes for every meal that fits your body type. This way it’ll make it easier to track your progress.
Start small
It’s tempting to choose the biggest weights at the gym, do the most intense Zumba class or go for the longest run possible. But the truth is, that’s a sure way to burn yourself out quickly and injure yourself more easily. If you’re new to lifting, for example, don’t be afraid to start out with the smallest of weights - even a tin of baked beans will do. Then, you can slowly build yourself up to heavier weights over time.

Image of two people having a conversation, symbolising communication and connection


With the endless lockdowns with the global pandemic, mental health for almost everyone took a nosedive. Being confined to our own homes with little to no contact with friends and family meant mental health issues such as depression nearly doubled in 2020. 2022 is the time to focus on improving your mental health, here are several ways to do so.

Open up
Talking about your feelings is one of the best ways to improve your mental health. Getting into the habit of talking with friends, family or a therapist, even when you’re feeling your best, will make it easier for you to open up on your darker days.
Be physically active
The great outdoors can do wonders for your mental health. It can be tempting in these cooler months to stay refined to your warm home, but wrapping up, grabbing a coffee with a friend and walking round your local park is a sure way to boost your mood
Learn something new
Whether it’s taking up a new dance class, learning to knit or starting a DIY project at home, focusing your brain to learn a new skill will not only boost your self-confidence but also help you connect with others and build up your sense of purpose.
Cap your time on social media
Social media, of course, has its benefits, but it can also lead you down a path of no return when it comes to your mental health. The constant posts from influencers shouting about how great their lives are often leave people feeling unworthy and like they should be doing more. The reality is, everyone has struggles, but social media is often used to mask this and to present someone’s ‘best life’. By capping the amount of time you spend scrolling will benefit you mentally and allow your brain some rest.

Illustration representing setting personal boundaries for self-care and well-being.


Emotional maturity is usually when some understand who they are as a person and how to cope with their own emotions, as well as being able to understand and help others. There are several ways you can improve and achieve emotional maturity.

Taking responsibility
Being able to put your hand up and take responsibility when it comes to your own actions, or when you’ve made a mistake, is one of the first steps to emotional maturity and personal growth.
Being vulnerable
Willingness to share your own struggles with others to help them feel less alone is a key turning point when it comes to emotional maturity. Opening yourself up and getting out of your comfort zone to help someone else heal will not only help them, it will also help you in your own journey.
Set boundaries
In order to become the best version of yourself, you need to set boundaries with both yourself and others around you.

There are several ways you can prepare and start your journey to becoming a better version of yourself. Supporting your diet and lifestyle with our wide range of natural, nutritional supplements can help you achieve your wellbeing goals.

As the saying goes ‘New Year, New You’!


Check out these links to find out more:

Information and other content provided in Lily & Loaf blogs should not be construed as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult with your health care provider.