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Key System Spotlight - The Urinary System

06 Jun, 2024
A woman crossing her legs desperate for the toilet

Your urinary system is a crucial body function that plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health and wellbeing.

It filters the fluid and waste from your blood, keeps your electrolyte levels in check, and regulates your body’s hormonal balance. Your kidneys are the body’s primary regulating mechanism. If they don’t function correctly, dangerous toxins can build up, leading to infection and severe health problems.

Problems with your urinary system can lead to short-term issues such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones and longer-term conditions like renal failure or other chronic illnesses. So, maintaining good urinary health is essential because any problems can have a knock-on effect on your other key body systems.
Here, we take a closer look at the role your urinary system plays and how you can keep it healthy.

Why Is Your Urinary System Important?

Your urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It’s your body’s main drainage system for the removal of urine. It has five main functions, which are to:

  • Remove waste products and toxins from the body
  • Balance the body’s fluids and electrolyte levels
  • Regulate hormones to control blood pressure
  • Release hormones to control red blood cell production
  • Control calcium and phosphorus levels to promote better bone health 

So, keeping your urinary system in good working order is vital. If it’s not functioning correctly, harmful toxins can build up, causing short-term issues like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones and longer-term conditions like renal failure.

UTIs are one of the most common infections you can get. In most cases, if caught early and treated promptly, they won’t cause any lasting health issues. However, ongoing problems with your urinary tract or regular UTIs can lead to more serious health implications and might also indicate you have issues with your other key body systems. It is, however, easy enough to strengthen your urinary system and lower your risk of UTIs.

A man filling up his water bottle at the tap

How To Support Your Urinary System Naturally

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water to flush your system of toxins, reduce your intake of salt, caffeine and alcohol and ensuring you top up with fluids after exercising or sunbathing. Avoiding citrus fruits, tomato-based products, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods can also help. You should also regularly empty your bladder to help prevent a build-up of too much urine in your kidneys and urinary tract, which can contain harmful toxins that could cause infection.
Exercise helps blood circulate the body, which delivers oxygen to the parts that need it and helps remove any toxins, which are then filtered through your urinary system and passed. By drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day, you will also help flush your system regularly. Foods and drinks that are high in antioxidants are also known to help improve urinary health. Some of the best foods to incorporate into your diet to support better urinary health include pears, which are a great source of natural fibre and come in at around 100 calories per serving.
Bananas contain plenty of nutrients that are good for your bladder and kidneys and are great for snacks or as the base for fruit smoothies. Green beans and squash are also high in fibre and antioxidants and add a bit of variety and colour to your plate, while sweet potatoes can add a bit of variety and texture. They also have a lower glycaemic index than white potatoes, so can aid better digestion.

Lean protein, meanwhile, can help strengthen the cells in your urinary tract, bladder and genitalia, making it easier to pass water. Almonds, cashews and peanuts are good sources of selenium, which supports kidney health. If you’re concerned you might not be getting enough of the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need for better urinary health from your diet alone, natural supplements can help.
Juniper & Parsley is our key system product for urinary health. It has been expertly formulated to an authentic herbal recipe that has been used for thousands of years to treat and strengthen the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys. Its key ingredient is juniper berries, which contain a host of vital health-enhancing nutrients, including tannins, Vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and zinc.  It also provides a natural, herbal source of iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, Vitamin A and riboflavin.
We also offer a wide range of supplements that support better urinary health and help build your body’s defence against UTIs.

Check out these links to find out more:

Information and other content provided in Lily & Loaf blogs should not be construed as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult with your health care provider.